I think that the author of Candide is targeting a couple people and concepts in chapter 13 & 14:
3. Traitors, or two-faced people. The man Cacambo protrays this quality by stating "When you don't get what you expect on one side, you find it on the other" (62).

5. The statement "a small world", because for some reason Candide keeps running into people who he knew from other places in lands that are very far away from their origingal dwelling place.
He is targeting:
1. People who only treat other people with respect after hearing about their "rank and quality"(
58). This would of course be Cunegonde, and her giving the old woman respect.

2.Women who are never satisfied with the man that they have. They always want more, and always expect better. Again, Cunegonde is displaying this target with her uncertainty if she should accept the Governor's hand in marriage, or if she should sta
y with Candide.

3. Traitors, or two-faced people. The man Cacambo protrays this quality by stating "When you don't get what you expect on one side, you find it on the other" (62).

4. Gossip, so far, two people have not been "killed" like Pangloss said they had been, Cunegonde and Cunegonde's brother. I think the author is targeting people who gossip because usually what they say is not ever really true.

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