Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The rest is HerStory | Hellz Bellz Fall Del. I
2010 fall. Yes this summer was good to us for the most part. It did try to burn me a couple of times which I will let slide, but please admit that I'm not the only one praying for the fall season to drop sooner. The cooler breeze, The layers of clothes, High boots..it's all love.
Another thing to fall in love with is Hellz Bellz Fall Delievery I collection. It's called "The rest is Her Story". The cuts are a drak femm. which is a great contrast for the fall. It's truly a beautiful collection, I can't wait to see what other pieces will pop up for this season..we can only expect great things. whatthehellz
Monday, August 30, 2010
Os Mercenários + news que não são tão news.
Bem, que eu sou fã do Tarantino, não é segredo pra ninguém. Adoro os filmes cheios de sangue e miolos pela tela, que ele faz. Mas tenho que confessar: Silvester Stallone conseguiu ganhar meu respeito! haha... semana passada fui assistir 'Os Mercenários'. Eu já tava ansiosa pra ver, pq, puxa, o elenco é uma puta máfia, né??? Primeiro, pelo próprio Stallone, depois, Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolf Lundgren, Terry Crews, Schwarzenegger, dentre outros. Claro, o filme comete umas gafes lindas! Como um cartaz do Guaraná num 'boteco' (na real, esse eu não vi, quem viu foi o namour) e as placas brancas de carro e detalhezinhos do tipo... mas, com tanta ação, tiro, tripas voando, Jason Statham e Giselle Itiê desfilando pela tela, who cares? Aliás, pra mim, a melhor cena é a que o ator Terry Crews, como Hale Caesar, mata com sua metralhadora, é hi-lá-ria! Ou a do Stallone, Bruce Willis e o Scwarzenegger na igreja, o dialógo é mto bom..! Quem não viu, veja, que já viu e quiser ir de novo, me chama que eu vou! ahah... Ganhou lugar nos favoritos e espaço na coleção. Um dos melhores do ano!
Bem, eu tinha me prometido que esse ano seria diferente, que eu não ía ter - de novo - um ano filho da puta como o que foi o ano passado. Realmente, apesar dos baixos, aliás, bem baixos desse ano, não se compara em nada o ano passado. Tô assustadoramente stressada, mas tudo bem, hj é o 'eutimato' =P. Faz tempo que estou fazendo certas mudanças, e hj é o ínicio da maior delas. É um grande passo na minha vida, estou com medo, mas torcendo pra que tudo dê certo. Estou em busca da minha felicidade sim, eu mereço, não é? Mesmo que maioria de vcs não saibam do que se trata, torçam por mim tb, na hora certa, eu vou berrar a plenos pulmões que deu tudo certo e que estou mais feliz ainda!
Uél, bandiviado... meu blog tá com uma boa média de acessos diários, mas vcs são tudo pão com ovo e não comentam. Humpt.
Enfim, sem mto tempo de ficar na net, atualizar blog, responder orkut e menos ainda de visitar outros blogs e MSN, estou sumida sim, mas em breve, muito em breve, as coisas vão para o lugar. E ah, o alemão, vai bem, obrigada. Termino esse ano! Ich bin stolz auf mich!
Beijos em suas respectivas ancas deretchas.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Miss Me When I'm Gone | Drake & Weezy
Why don't we just fast forward to around 5:03..ok, ok. pause. replay. Ok now watch the video & enjoy the music. thanks drake!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Ponyo e shows
Bem, com tanto stress, esqueci de falar que semanas atrás, eu fui no cinema com a sobrinha, a levei pra assistir Ponyo. Pra quem não sabe, é uma animação pra lá de fofa do mesmo criador de A Viagem de Chihiro, Hayao Miyazaki. Ponyo é uma peixinha, pra lá de esquesita que conhece seu 'amor-verdadeiro', que é um humano, e para ficarem juntos, ela tem que abdicar todos seus 'potenciais mágicos' e virar humana. Pra quem gostou de Chihiro, eu super recomendo Ponyo, mas com um aviso: pra esse filme, foi usado mto mais maconha, chá de lírio, LSD, dentre outros entorpecentes conhecidos e não conhecidos. O tio japa aí, viaja moito, mas o filme é mto fofinho, não é a melhor animação e pra mim, ainda não conseguiu ser melhor que Chihiro, aliás, do Hayao, a melhor animação EVER é do 'Totoro', mas, porém, contudo, todavia, assistam. Aliás, fiquei curiosíssima pra assistir 'Meu Malvado Favorito', deve ser mega über lindinho!
Bem, numa discussão na CST, eu acabei fazendo um 'levantamento' dos próximos shows que pode interessar a trevosaiada paulista. Não fiz de outras cidades pq, 1º não me interessa e 2º larga de ser preguiçoso e faça vc. =P
05/09 Gorgoroth com Enthroned no Carioca Club
18/09 Delain no Carioca
19/09 Scorpions no Credicard Hall
21/09 Lacrimosa no Carioca tb
22/09 Hipocrisy no Carioca
25/09 Borknagar no Manifesto Bar e 69 Eyes no Carioca
03/10 Therion no Carioca
06/10 Bon Jovi no Estádio Morumbi
08/10 Rush Estádio Morumbi
09-11/10 SWU, Itú
11/10 Echo & the Bunnymen Credicard Hall
14/10 Cranberries Credicard Hall
16/10 Rotting Christ Carioca Club
23/10 The Frozen Autumn no Inferno Club
24/10 Rob Halford Carioca Club
30/10 Soda Antartica, oops, Sonata Arctica no Carioca Club
20/11 Planeta Terra Festival no Playcenter
27/11 Twisted Sisters no Via Funchal
30/11 Rammstein no Via Funchal \o/
18/12 Cradle of Fritas, ops, Filth no Carioca
Bem, espero que vcs possam aproveitar os shows aí! Com excessão do Delain, LaCremosa,Therion, Gorgoroth, Borknagar, Pumpkins no festival do Terra, e claro, Rammstein, os outros eu ainda não tenho certeza se vou, alguns, nem faço questão, como o Scorpions, Bon Jovi e talz.. mas espero que alguém possa aproveitar essa listinha ^.~
Aqui segue um link de um outro blog para fazer download dos albuns do Borknagar e uma musica que tia Ju adora =) [não testei os links...]
Boa semana procês
Boa semana procês
Sneak Peek: Hellz Bellz Holiday 2010
The sneek peaks just keep rolling in, Next up its Hellz Bellz! Don't you just love following the right people on twitter? (@taneamonique) you get surprises like this! If I'm not mistaken that looks like Hello Kitty head peaking out! Are you excited?
hello kitty,
hellz bellz,
sneak peek,
Forever21 Heritage 1981: Fall 2010
Forever21 has always been the spot for fashionista's that want the latest styles, that wouldn't like to break the bank! For fall 2010 they are keeping that alive with there latest Lookbook for Heritage 1981! Consisting of beanie hats, denim skirts, denim jackets, plaid shirts, blazers, knee high socks and so much more.
Video: Trey Songz Ft. Nicki Minaj - Bottoms Up!
"It's Mr. Steal your girlfriend" Trey Songz teams up with hip hops reigning Femcee Nicki Minaj for his first single off his new album, "Passion, pain and pleasure" Bottoms Up!
Alex Sayz
Alex Sayz ft. Sibel - United As One (Remixes)
Realeased Today, Beatport
Free Download:
Alex Lamb ft. Christina Skaar - Freedom (Alex Sayz Remix)
Monday, August 16, 2010

Axwell feat. Errol Reid - Nothing But Love (Axwell vs. Daddy's Groove Remix)
Axwell feat. Errol Reid - Nothing But Love (Extended Vocal Mix)
Axwell feat. Errol Reid - Nothing But Love (Axwell vs. Daddy's Groove Remix)
Axwell feat. Errol Reid - Nothing But Love (Extended Vocal Mix)
Sneak Peek: MadeMe AW10
Mademe dished the deadliest girl gang ever assembled today via twitter and i have to say I'm very exciting for what they are bringing this winter. Don't you just love sneak peeks?
Honey Magazine: Wiz' World
Coming off a win for MTV's Hottest Breakthrough MC of 2010, Honey Magazine took a wild ride to Wiz's World! Chopping it up with Wiz Khalifa, they touched on subjects of weed, tattoos, women and the pressure of being NEXT!
Head over to Honey Magazine for the entire interview!
honey mag,
magazine covers,
wiz khalifa
Thursday, August 12, 2010
por motivos de força maior, ultimo post foi apagado. não, não mudei de idéia, tampouco me arrependi, mas certas coisas devem ser feitas quando outras já estiverem resolvidas
e isso será breve, mto breve.
e isso será breve, mto breve.
New Nero Release!
Supported By:
Roger Sanchez, Paulette, Warren Clarke, Stonbridge, Francesco Diaz, Stephan M, Paul Hughes, Hed Kandi, Radio FG, Kiss FM, Juice FM and more!
Supported By:
Roger Sanchez, Paulette, Warren Clarke, Stonbridge, Francesco Diaz, Stephan M, Paul Hughes, Hed Kandi, Radio FG, Kiss FM, Juice FM and more!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Latest EP from Pryda, grab it while it's HOT.
Pryda - Niton (Original Mix)
Pryda - Vega (Original Mix)
Pryda - Niton (Original Mix)
Pryda - Vega (Original Mix)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
DrumSkool215 Episode 5: Back to 1997

Direct link (right click, save as)
Subscribe on iTunes!
Download From Mediafire
Codename John (Grooverider) - The Warning
Fortran (Ed Rush, Optical & Fierce) - Search
Andy C & Shimon - Mutations
Nasty Habits (Doc Scott) - Shadowboxing
Future Forces Inc - Bypass
Trace & Nico - Replicants
Jon The Dentist - France (Ed Rush & Trace Rmx)
Genotype - Square Waves
Optical & Ryme Tyme - We Enter
Optical - The Shining
Everything But The Girl - Before Today (Dillinja Remix)
Everything But The Girl - Blame (J Majik Remix)
Ed Rush & Fierce - Locust
Dillinja - Silver Blade
Trace - Sonar
Bad Company - Forgotten
dj trace,
ed rush,
joey breakdown,
Jungle Rave 2010 Photos
art cuebik,
camo ufos,
illy mc,
joey breakdown,
jungle rave,
medusa lounge,
Thursday, August 5, 2010
This was well waited for. I mean Finally!!!! This song is amazing, I knew I loved these ladies for a reason..We missed them for a while, they've been MIA but of course they come back heavy with there complementary track off there EP "The Other Side" Download now for free!
Also Dont forget to go to there website http://www.ninaskyhigh.com and download the whole mixtape from the ladies. lovely!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Jeremy & the Teddie..
Sounds like a Children's book. We know Jeremy has been known to throw some "Out of the Box" type shit on some sneakers..so even though this is REALLY OUT OF THE BOX for sneakers..are we really surprised? I don't know at all how I feel about these. I think they would look hella cute on a little one..They just make me laugh, I would never be able to take someone seriously rocking them. Thoughts?
p.s Google is my source!
"Chanel Manicure" - By Sophy Robinson
Known for doing nails for some of the hottest fashion spreads, sophy gives us the 1, 2 on how to create a beautiful Chanel mani. So Laters.. I'm going to try this now! ciao

Dinka is just amazing and the Helvetic Nerds Remix is PHAAT.
Dinka - Camouflage (Original Mix)
Dinka - Camouflage (Helvetic Nerds Remix)
Dinka - Camouflage (Original Mix)
Dinka - Camouflage (Helvetic Nerds Remix)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Kid Sister ft. Nina Sky | Look Out Weekend
aw shit. Kid Sister & Nina Sky! Must I say more? These ladies did not disappoint (not that I doubted they ever would). The song is amazing, but I'm even more amazed that a few of my favorite ladies decided to get together on a collab. track. beautiful! Buy it on itunes.
Keyword: Look Out Weekend-Kid Sister
AYYY... As you can see, this is Kid Sister's new video to her tack from Ultraviolet "Big & Bad". I swear she just went to the video location and just shot who ever was chilln on scene. lol which could not be better. She's been know to keep it real. literally. Hot dogs & rollerskates.. perfect chi-town summer day.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Missfamousstore.com is having a sale! Each week there will be selected items from 50-70% off! Make sure to subscribe to the newsletter so you can get dibs on these products!
Click this special link to save save save!!!
Vintage Royalty Jewelry
I am always looking for the cutest affordable accessories out there because it can def make any plain boring outfit more alive , don`t you think?? So when I discovered Vintage Royalty I fell in love with her recent collection! The prints are beautiful and I love the look they have to them!

"..this was inspired by the beautiful people of Africa and the beautiful vintage-loving girls out there. Influences include Boxing Kitten, vintage floral prints, and the movie 'Coming To America. "

"I thought to create earrings that describe all the different girls, all the different trends, all the different fashionistas out there. Each piece has it's own personality. Go through the selections that we have and find the one that describes YOU, your friend, your co-worker, whoever. We also specialize in making everything UNIQUE for your preference. If you like the style, but not the color...let us know and we can change it. If you like everything but the size, we can make it bigger, we can make it smaller. If you want your earrings as brooches, we can do that TOO!!!Vintage Royalty is the very first fiber made jewelry line to specialize in vintage inspired pieces, unique for every single customer."Visit the Etsy shop to see more pieces!! I can`t wait to get my hands on some and wear them this Fall!
Gold Money x Kweenz Destroy
Last week I went to Gold Money at Sutra Lounge in NYC to celebrate the launch of Kweenz Destroy's line, it was so much fun and enjoyed the champagne happy hour. All the female DJs like Radio Rose, Jasmine Solano, Bonnie Danger and Lady Chellez killed it! A buzzed night of dancing, familiar faces, laughs and good music is always a plus in my book!
Me, Indie & my friend Tiera ♥

Annie from Cubannie Links, moi & Tiera.
(BTW, head over to Twitter & wish @AnnieCubannie a belated birthday!!)

Great night! Congrats Indie!
Get in depth with Miss Wax!
I had the pleasure of working with Kyle Fauss again, the HBIC of Miss Wax jewelry. She talks about her Spring/Summer collection and tells 21-7 about her new projects!
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