Sunday, January 31, 2010
Your Watching Nylon TV
I absolutely love Sarah from El Perro Del Mar. All her songs are amazing & hypnotic. She was also featured on Nylon Free Playlist on itunes.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Weil ich noch keine Zeit habe =(
(oder haben? preguiça de ver isso)
Tá, tô sem tempo, curso, mto trampo... tá foda mermão! Só tenho entrado no orkut pra ver meu 'colheita feliz' e olhe lá, pq andaram me assaltando e levando embora minhas ervilhas e abóboras. Anyway.
Malz não visitar o blogs docês pipou =/
Inté mais ver.
Edit: Dois blogues adicionados, o Siren e o Cherrie, da linda Luli.
(oder haben? preguiça de ver isso)
Tá, tô sem tempo, curso, mto trampo... tá foda mermão! Só tenho entrado no orkut pra ver meu 'colheita feliz' e olhe lá, pq andaram me assaltando e levando embora minhas ervilhas e abóboras. Anyway.
Malz não visitar o blogs docês pipou =/
Inté mais ver.
Edit: Dois blogues adicionados, o Siren e o Cherrie, da linda Luli.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Vans x Hellz: The intro
Monday, January 25, 2010
21-7 RE-launch party!
*click banner for full list of sponsors & details
Don't forget to come to the re-launch party this Wednesday for anyone living in NYC!
Cupcakes, free giveaways, happy hour, its going to be amazing!
No need to RSVP, Free entrance!
I will be at the door for an hour collecting money donations for Yele =) , and the more you donate the more raffle tickets you get to try to win one of our many giveaways!
Hope to see you there
Sweet Tooth
While shopping on Newbury Street I passed a bright store front & seen a sign that read "Sweet". O instantly thought "Got to check this out" out of curiosity. I shop on Newbury often and never seen it before. On entering the shop, there was a overwhelming scent of sugar & a eye full of pink satin cushions to sit on with a glass case filled with lots of cupcakes. They looked so good I had to get one. I picked the rose top cake and also had a Vanilla Frosting shot (Which was amazing!!). So I thought I'd share the fin with you, just in case you live in the New England area or planning to visit soon, make sure you stop by & taste some sweet treats!
In My Dreams
The ladies (Artist) Working at WAH Nails in London are amazing. This is the first shop brought to my attention that does amazing, creative, nails designs on a daily basis. I always wanted to open up a shop like this in the Boston area. Check out more idea & designs at
My Milk Toof: Fly
New Story on My Milk Toof
Currently Reading: Twilights - Midnight Sun on PDF. I'm going to be pissed when it cuts me off!
Currently Listening: Coconute Records- West Coast
Currently Watching: Flashdance
Currently Wearing: Floral Tank, Creme Leather Bomber Jacket, Pearls, Laced Vans.
Coke & Ice
click image for full view
Esra Røise. I've been practicing daily drawing Hair and facial details in my skecthpad. Esra is really amazing. She does details so well and always adds her own style, by what she chooses to draw and how she draws it. love
Love this F%&kin Bunny
I love Fifi Lapin. I hit this site daily, because there's a new story & outfit everyday. The artist behind this overly Fashionable bunny is a inspiration because of this unique creation & all of the collaborations she involved in. Shit, I wish I could draw on a awesome outfit everyday!!
Yesterday while browsing I came across a banner that said you can recieve NYLON mag for free. After further investigation I recieved the Digital Subscription for Free for a fuckin year..whoo hooo! Check it out LIMITED TIME
Summertime: Ella & Louis
I'm in deep love with this song. The melody is so beautifully overwhelming. Add that and two beautiful voices, classic!
Friday, January 22, 2010
FOTW: Kameron Simpson
Age: 20
Location: Rancho Cucamonga, California
Must have beauty items: I'm not really the make-up type. I've never had problems with my skin, so I just stick to unique eyeshadow colors, black eyeliner, and my MAC Plush Lash mascara. Throw in my Agatha Ruiz de la Prada Kiwi lip balm & some eye-popping nail polish, and I'm good to go!
Must have fashion items: As far as fashion goes, EVERYTHING in my ridiculously cramped closet is considered a "must have." Right now, I'm more into vintage pieces than every before, perhaps due to the fact that thrift shopping leaves my wallet happy & still half full. So in that case, I would have to say old school tops, skirts, dresses, and men's shirts are my essentials because they're such one-of-a-kind items that you don't have to worry about the next chick {or these days, even guys} rocking your outfit. Swag stealing is an ultimate pet peeve of mine, yet with decade-aged items, I won't have to worry about that.
Celeb inspiration: I'm not THAT into celebs. If I had to pick a handful of closets to raid, I'd have to snag a few... no a lot of things from the likes of Kelis {prior to the maternity wear}, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, the Olsens, and Beyonce.
Favorite designer: I have far too many designers that I drool over when their collections hit runways every season, yet my list will never grow tired of Vivienne Westwood, Marc Jacobs and Alexander Wang. I'd also have to add Phillip Lim & Rachel Roy to my list because I was blessed with the opportunity to meet them at Teen Vogue magazine's "Fashion University" event last October and they were very inspiring.
Personal style: I'm like a chameleon when it comes to my personal style. Ultimately, when I'm searching for something to wear {which takes an unbelievably long time}, I base it off of what kind of statement I feel like making that day. Do I want to wear something that screams grunge/emo girl, or do I go for an ultra-fem look with a eclectic dress and sky-high heels? It all depends.
Favorite brands: Forever 21, Louis Vuitton, Oscar de la Renta, Manoush, Alexander McQueen, Diane Von Furstenburg...& many more :)
Favorite stores: Forever 21, thrift stores, Urban Outfitters, H&M, & Topshop.
Sobre sonhos e SP
Antes, meus sonhos eram: ter uma casa boa em SP, ter um carro em SP, ter um bom emprego em SP, casar em SP e ter lindos filhos paulistanos [ok, a ult parte é mentira]. Eu AMO SP. Mas tudo isso mudou. Hoje eu quero ter uma casa boa, no meio do mato, um jipe, pra andar no meio do mato, plantar cenouras, tomates e criar um 'Colheita Feliz', no meio do mato, criar meus catchorros no meio do mato e fazer um casamento com canapés de rabanete, no meio do mato e viver lá.
Mas por favor, me deem um bom computador, com uma boa internet e minha coleção de CD.
Pq quando vc fica 5 horas presa no trânsito, vc começa a repensar sobre sua vida. E dá tempo suficiente de repensar ela todinha!
Mas por favor, me deem um bom computador, com uma boa internet e minha coleção de CD.
Pq quando vc fica 5 horas presa no trânsito, vc começa a repensar sobre sua vida. E dá tempo suficiente de repensar ela todinha!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
NYLON x Bows
I'm way ahead of the game I have a closet filled with bow covered headpiece's.
Portland and South
Portland was to be a day or so of much-needed rest, and gear exchange. An ex-girlfriend of mine lives there now, and I'd had my hot-weather riding gear shipped to her in advance of my arrival. The plan was to pack up my yellow Olympia suit and ship it back to Chicago, and continue on through the southwest in my heavily vented mesh riding gear.
The Olympia is a great suit, no doubt. Served me pretty well thought some truly stupid weather, and actually I'm still wearing it for daily riding now, in January, in Chicago. But it starts to get sticky much above 75 degrees, and 85 is pushing the levels of comfort even with the vents open. The day spent getting from Idaho into Portland had been through a lot of very hot, dry areas, and as long as I never stopped moving, it was pretty comfortable. But to stay comfortable, I had to have all the vents zipped open, as well as keeping the cuffs all the way open to get some additional airflow up my arms.
These open cuffs proved to be irresistible to a wasp.
My eye caught the motion blur just as it went into my suit, and then a burning sensation on my wrist. This was made worse by the knowledge that the thing was probably still alive somewhere in the suit, which lead to me comically whacking at my right arm with my left, while still trying to maintain control at highway speeds. I pulled over and dumped the crushed remains of it out, but I didn't have anything to treat the sting with. This was it a day later.

Ah well. Waiting for me in Portland was my mesh gear, so cliff bars, and some other assorted care packages from my father.

I didn't do a whole lot else while in Portland, updated my blog and hung out with the ex and her new girlfriend (She was pretty gay before me, it wasn't that I was such a bad boyfriend that I turned her gay. At least, that's what I tell myself). After a day off, it was time to get back on the road.
I used interstates only to get past the suburban sprawl of Portland. Once I was sufficiently out in the country, I got back to where I belong, on side roads.

When I left Portland, it was the better part of 90 degrees, and sunny. And it stayed that way until I got to within about five miles of the coast, at which point the temperature dropped to maybe 65-70 degrees. Normally this wouldn't have been a problem, perfect riding weather, but remember that I'd just swapped my insulated riding gear for my mesh stuff. A Teknic Supervent Pro jacket, and Olympia Airglide pants. Both of these flow so much air that you almost feel like you're riding naked, and 65 degrees is freezing cold at highway speeds. I eventually stopped to put on my rain gear to act as a wind breaker.
It may have been cold, but the ocean sure was pretty.

It was so strange that just a few miles had such a large temperature variation, at least a 30 degree drop in just a few miles without significant elevation changes. But once I had the rain gear on, I was pretty comfortable without all the air blowing through me. I headed down the coast on Highway 101.
Now, what I'm about to tell you is very important. One of the more important things I learned on my trip, so pay attention.
If you are heading down a fairly major or well traveled road, in my case Hwy 101, pay attention to the forks in the road. Because if you ever come to a fork a road labled "Old (whatever road you're currently on)" . . .
You take that road. You take that mother fucking road.
It wasn't just the twistiness that was fun. Although that was a good part of it. It was beautiful, just stupidly beautiful.

Info on it:

Someone with the same priorities as I had made some appropriate alterations to the sign. :)
I guess compared to other roads in the area, it probably isn't that steller. It's old and isn't maintained very much anymore, so the pavement was actually pretty rough. But there was hardly any traffic on it; thoese three cars I passed in the video were the only three I passed in the whole three hours I spent just going back and forth over that stretch. It was just me, and the sunlight filtering through the trees, and the bike, and the road. I couldn't have asked for anything better.
Although it looks like some people had a bit too much fun on it.

Given that it was in a national forest, I headed down one of the gravel side roads to find someplace to camp. Off that side-road, I spotted another side road.

I headed down it for about a mile, and it just kept getting denser and denser.

This far in I wasn't worried about being pestered by any vehicles, so I set up my tent just off the side of the track, and turned in for the night.
The next day I headed back to the coast, and kept going down the 101. I'm sure it would have been pretty, but the whole area was covered in solid fog and clouds, and was very busy, lots of traffic. It was cold, occasionally rainy, and even with my rain gear I was dearly missing my big yellow suit. Maybe I shouldn't have swapped the gear out.
I stopped at a candy store to have a shot at raising my spirits

Mmmm, chocolate . . .

hey, cool, a road named after me!

Honestly, nothing much of note went on this day. It was cold, foggy, and occasionally sprinkled rain all day, obscuring what I'm sure were some very pretty coastal views. I camped for the night in what looked to be a turnaround for highway maintenance vehicles, going to sleep to occasional rain and chill.
I was sick of the cold. The last two days had been spent largely shivering under my mesh gear, waiting for the endless fog to clear up so I could actually see some of this pretty Oregon cost I had been told about. But at this point, I was done. I wanted heat, I wanted dry. With my setup at the time, excessive heat was easier to deal with then excessive cold, so I decided to turn farther inland.
I think I left Hwy 101 somewhere around the town of Gold Beach, and headed due east into what looked like on my GPS to be a maze of twisted roads going into the Siskiyou National Forest.
I had no idea what I was in for . . .

Seemingly never-ending ribbons of gnarled, twisted asphalt spiraling off into all directions.
(I guess you don't really HAVE to watch that, there's no crashes or close calls or anything. It's just ten minutes of blissfully perfect motorcycling)
I kept going deeper and deeper into the forest, getting gloriously lost in a maze of forest service roads.

Woah, washout
Eventually the pavement ran out, so I had to lay off the Rossi imitations, but whatever.

Oh, Oregon, how I miss you.

This is what the whole day consisted of. Tearing around on roads like in that video, while starting at scenery like this.

It was balls-hot, nudging 95 degrees according to my thermometer. But I stayed moving enough that it didn't matter, and I was having way too much fun to care.

I was so wonderfully lost that day. I've got no idea the route I took or how I got there, but eventually the forest spit me out somewhere on the east side against I-5, in the "Town" of Wolf Creek. I grabbed a quick bite at a Taco truck before getting on I-5 to go south.

Riding along I-5 was even hotter then in the forests; at least 100 degrees. I stopped at a highway rest area to soak my tee-shirt in water, which cooled me down very nicely with how vented my jacket was. I was only on the super-slab for a few miles, getting off at Hwy 199 south into California . . . where that night I found the greatest campsite ever.
My previous post on it:
And in interest of continuing the liner order of things, this would be the next entry:
The Olympia is a great suit, no doubt. Served me pretty well thought some truly stupid weather, and actually I'm still wearing it for daily riding now, in January, in Chicago. But it starts to get sticky much above 75 degrees, and 85 is pushing the levels of comfort even with the vents open. The day spent getting from Idaho into Portland had been through a lot of very hot, dry areas, and as long as I never stopped moving, it was pretty comfortable. But to stay comfortable, I had to have all the vents zipped open, as well as keeping the cuffs all the way open to get some additional airflow up my arms.
These open cuffs proved to be irresistible to a wasp.
My eye caught the motion blur just as it went into my suit, and then a burning sensation on my wrist. This was made worse by the knowledge that the thing was probably still alive somewhere in the suit, which lead to me comically whacking at my right arm with my left, while still trying to maintain control at highway speeds. I pulled over and dumped the crushed remains of it out, but I didn't have anything to treat the sting with. This was it a day later.
Ah well. Waiting for me in Portland was my mesh gear, so cliff bars, and some other assorted care packages from my father.
I didn't do a whole lot else while in Portland, updated my blog and hung out with the ex and her new girlfriend (She was pretty gay before me, it wasn't that I was such a bad boyfriend that I turned her gay. At least, that's what I tell myself). After a day off, it was time to get back on the road.
I used interstates only to get past the suburban sprawl of Portland. Once I was sufficiently out in the country, I got back to where I belong, on side roads.
When I left Portland, it was the better part of 90 degrees, and sunny. And it stayed that way until I got to within about five miles of the coast, at which point the temperature dropped to maybe 65-70 degrees. Normally this wouldn't have been a problem, perfect riding weather, but remember that I'd just swapped my insulated riding gear for my mesh stuff. A Teknic Supervent Pro jacket, and Olympia Airglide pants. Both of these flow so much air that you almost feel like you're riding naked, and 65 degrees is freezing cold at highway speeds. I eventually stopped to put on my rain gear to act as a wind breaker.
It may have been cold, but the ocean sure was pretty.
It was so strange that just a few miles had such a large temperature variation, at least a 30 degree drop in just a few miles without significant elevation changes. But once I had the rain gear on, I was pretty comfortable without all the air blowing through me. I headed down the coast on Highway 101.
Now, what I'm about to tell you is very important. One of the more important things I learned on my trip, so pay attention.
If you are heading down a fairly major or well traveled road, in my case Hwy 101, pay attention to the forks in the road. Because if you ever come to a fork a road labled "Old (whatever road you're currently on)" . . .
You take that road. You take that mother fucking road.
It wasn't just the twistiness that was fun. Although that was a good part of it. It was beautiful, just stupidly beautiful.
Info on it:
Someone with the same priorities as I had made some appropriate alterations to the sign. :)
I guess compared to other roads in the area, it probably isn't that steller. It's old and isn't maintained very much anymore, so the pavement was actually pretty rough. But there was hardly any traffic on it; thoese three cars I passed in the video were the only three I passed in the whole three hours I spent just going back and forth over that stretch. It was just me, and the sunlight filtering through the trees, and the bike, and the road. I couldn't have asked for anything better.
Although it looks like some people had a bit too much fun on it.
Given that it was in a national forest, I headed down one of the gravel side roads to find someplace to camp. Off that side-road, I spotted another side road.
I headed down it for about a mile, and it just kept getting denser and denser.
This far in I wasn't worried about being pestered by any vehicles, so I set up my tent just off the side of the track, and turned in for the night.
The next day I headed back to the coast, and kept going down the 101. I'm sure it would have been pretty, but the whole area was covered in solid fog and clouds, and was very busy, lots of traffic. It was cold, occasionally rainy, and even with my rain gear I was dearly missing my big yellow suit. Maybe I shouldn't have swapped the gear out.
I stopped at a candy store to have a shot at raising my spirits
Mmmm, chocolate . . .
hey, cool, a road named after me!
Honestly, nothing much of note went on this day. It was cold, foggy, and occasionally sprinkled rain all day, obscuring what I'm sure were some very pretty coastal views. I camped for the night in what looked to be a turnaround for highway maintenance vehicles, going to sleep to occasional rain and chill.
I was sick of the cold. The last two days had been spent largely shivering under my mesh gear, waiting for the endless fog to clear up so I could actually see some of this pretty Oregon cost I had been told about. But at this point, I was done. I wanted heat, I wanted dry. With my setup at the time, excessive heat was easier to deal with then excessive cold, so I decided to turn farther inland.
I think I left Hwy 101 somewhere around the town of Gold Beach, and headed due east into what looked like on my GPS to be a maze of twisted roads going into the Siskiyou National Forest.
I had no idea what I was in for . . .
Seemingly never-ending ribbons of gnarled, twisted asphalt spiraling off into all directions.
(I guess you don't really HAVE to watch that, there's no crashes or close calls or anything. It's just ten minutes of blissfully perfect motorcycling)
I kept going deeper and deeper into the forest, getting gloriously lost in a maze of forest service roads.
Woah, washout
Eventually the pavement ran out, so I had to lay off the Rossi imitations, but whatever.
Oh, Oregon, how I miss you.
This is what the whole day consisted of. Tearing around on roads like in that video, while starting at scenery like this.
It was balls-hot, nudging 95 degrees according to my thermometer. But I stayed moving enough that it didn't matter, and I was having way too much fun to care.
I was so wonderfully lost that day. I've got no idea the route I took or how I got there, but eventually the forest spit me out somewhere on the east side against I-5, in the "Town" of Wolf Creek. I grabbed a quick bite at a Taco truck before getting on I-5 to go south.
Riding along I-5 was even hotter then in the forests; at least 100 degrees. I stopped at a highway rest area to soak my tee-shirt in water, which cooled me down very nicely with how vented my jacket was. I was only on the super-slab for a few miles, getting off at Hwy 199 south into California . . . where that night I found the greatest campsite ever.
My previous post on it:
And in interest of continuing the liner order of things, this would be the next entry:
Entry 2: Adventures at Forever21
News: I just got some wonderful news the other day while at our afternoon meeting at F21. The Founder of F21 was around town looking at the new stores that where opening up in the area and on that list was a F21 opening on Newbury Street in Boston, MA. Now if you live in the Boston area you know there was no F21 within close distance without having to go out of your way. But now there will be one a a main shopping strip. Keep it posted for the grand opening date.
Honestly, when this song comes on the whole stores goes into karaoke mode. You can hear the lyrics spilling out all over. So I always sing at the top of my lungs whenever I hear that beat break. One of my favorites!!
Honestly, when this song comes on the whole stores goes into karaoke mode. You can hear the lyrics spilling out all over. So I always sing at the top of my lungs whenever I hear that beat break. One of my favorites!!
Launches on Jan. 29th
F21 just introduced that they have a new line coming out..for kids! The first thing I thought of was my niece, I can't wait to see what they have to offer. I'm sure it's going to be lots of fun to be able to go shopping with my niece and never have to leave the store. The store I work in is already jam packed with racks of clothes. I have no idea where there going to fit this new collection (It's in selected stores). That doesn't mean you have to wait to get yours, just keep it posted and we'll let you know when it's available online!
Another new addition to F21 is their latest Twist collection. It draws inspiration from a old school Diner with heavy jukebox influences also. This collection is limited and will go quick. Check it out here.
NYlON: "Love Hurts" Feb Issue
Finally the February Issue of NYLON is hitting stands. I haven't brought a NYLON mag in the last two months because of their repetition but just from this cover I can see that this one will please my needs for difference & fresh idea's. Can't wait to grab this one off the stands!
W Magazine: Rihanna
Rihanna covers the February 2010 edition of W Magazine. Shot by Craig McDean and styled by Lori Goldstein, she looks hotter then ever dipped in Gucci (dress). In this spread she proves looking hot is the best revenge.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Inside scoop on the Vans x Hellz Collab
As Whitney previously posted about the much anticipated Vans x Hellz collab , Miss Lawn takes behind the scenes on this one year project that will drop this February *cough my birthday is coming cough*
USB Hubs by Marc Jacobs
Don't you remember sitting at home listening to the radio for that ONE song to record on your tape?? I know I do. Marc Jacobs brings it back with these too cute usb tapes.
I wonder how much they are.....
Thanks to the person who left the comment! They are $15 at Marc Jacobs stores. Wow that price is too good to be true lol. I hope it's right
MOB Spring 2010
May I present to you, the Married To The MOB Spring 2010 line. It seems like MOB keeps going a diff direction every season. Personally I don't hate it, and I don't love it either.
yay or nay? Will you be buying it? If so, what is your favorite piece(s)?
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